A commissioned work, Anthropometrics is a response to Yves Klein’s Anthropometries. A kind of performance piece, his Anthropometries involved naked women dipped in blue paint making impressions of their bodies on a canvas. You can watch footage of it here.
Instead of naked female models, I used data from my body – sleep data, daily steps and heart rate – to create an image. Data points connected by randomized lines give an impression of flowers, a traditionally feminine form. The work starts with spinning loading symbols, typically displayed while you wait for data to load.
I inscribed two Anthropometrics as Ordinals, one on a dark background here.
https://player.vimeo.com/video/1054556037?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&muted=1&loop=1&app_id=58479″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write; encrypted-media” style=”position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;” title=”Anthropometrics on Dark Background”></iframe></div><script src=”https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js”></script>